Pet Week

This week we will post pictures of pet pics we have

This cat sure looks comfy sometimes I wish I was as flexible as a cat and could lay around just chillin.  Woosta says this about their cat , this...

Village Herald

Your source of Bingo News!

Monday, September 16th, 2024

Oldest Vegas Casino

Have you been in either one

jHow many of our readers have been to vegas.  What special casino have you found have you maybe been in the Golden Gate or Flamingo. The oldest ...

Only country no mosquitos Iceland

The Only Country Known To Have NO Mosquitos

Y'all, brace yourselves, because we've got some mind-blowing news for you. Iceland is totally mosquito-free! Can you even imagine a world without those pesky little bloodsuckers? Well, it's a rea...

Flying cars alef

Flying Cars Are Here. No, Really

We might be cruising the skies in flying cars sooner than you think. This tech startup, Alef Aeronautics, is cooking up a $300k ride called the Model A – and they've around 3,000 preor...