Pet Week

This week we will post pictures of pet pics we have

This cat sure looks comfy sometimes I wish I was as flexible as a cat and could lay around just chillin.  Woosta says this about their cat , this...

Village Herald

Your source of Bingo News!

Monday, September 16th, 2024

Oldest Vegas Casino

Have you been in either one

jHow many of our readers have been to vegas.  What special casino have you found have you maybe been in the Golden Gate or Flamingo. The oldest ...

Arts, Crafts & Community: July Edition

Arts, Crafts & Community! July Edition Bingo Village is, of course, a great place to play online bingo. It's also a community; a vibrant tapestry of creativity, where our players' imaginatio...

Fun hobby painting rocks

I have never painted rocks before but sure looks like it could be fun Smukkestepige88 did an amazing job on this one.  They also have other hobbies which someone might be interested in ...

large candle


Did you know that candle making has been around since 3000 BC. Egyptians and Romans. The earliest candles were made from natural materials such as beeswax and tallow and were used primarily for religi...

Beautiful hand crafted

Image having this lovely hand crafted stone in your garden or walk  way. This would be a fun project to do with kids so they can show all their talents and ideas. Woep5432 This is the flower of ...

Amazing Tie Dye

Do you remember doing tie-dye when you were you were young. I sure do we spent hours having so much fun waiting and anticipating how the t-shirts would come out. Helaw82 has done some amazing Ti...

Helping the community

These are just the cutest little hats. Its an amazing hobby plus player kbpfeiiffer is helping her community and local hospitals. kbpfeiffer said I make bobble hats for babies in our local NICU. Just...